What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is an ancient practice. While it may drum up connotations of mind control or clucking like a chicken, clinical hypnotherapy employs our natural capacity to access our subconscious and slow our brain waves to create a dream-like state of relaxation.
As humans, we naturally experience this state—perhaps when we focus our attention on a specific task, when riding a bike, or those moments just before falling asleep. Our subconscious mind automatically works on our behalf without our knowledge 90% of the time—it is what helps us move through the world, make decisions, dream, and form assumptions and beliefs.
Clinical hypnotherapy couples hypnosis with therapy to move you closer to the life you want to be living. It's a means to experience a deep state of relaxation and allow your subconscious mind to work on your behalf to create healing and meaningful change.
Chelsey Morton, Craft's Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist in Calgary (certified through Arch Canada), merely facilitates this process and is guided by your specific hopes and objectives for hypnotherapy.