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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Is there a problem in your life that you can't seem to shake?

Imagine if you could free yourself from the grips of a phobia, imposter syndrome, anxiety, trauma and depression by accessing your subconscious mind? Clinical hypnotherapy uses the power of your mind to create lasting change.

The subconscious mind is working on our behalf without our knowledge 90% of the time – it is what helps us move through the world, make decisions, dream, and form assumptions and beliefs. These are automatic processes that we don’t often consider. Clinical hypnotherapy is a means to experience a deep state of relaxation while allowing your subconscious mind to work on your behalf to create healing and meaningful change.

Did You Know?
As humans we naturally experience the state of hypnosis…perhaps when you are focusing your attention on a specific task, when riding a bike, or those moments just before falling asleep. Clinical hypnotherapy is coupling the use of hypnosis with therapy to move you closer to the life you want to be living. Clinical Hypnotherapy has been beneficial in helping specific phobias, anxiety, trauma, depression, self-esteem issues, sleep troubles and pain control.

How does it work?
Hypnosis is an ancient practice, while it may drum up connotations of mind control or clucking like a chicken, clinical hypnotherapy employs our natural capacity to slow our brain waves to create a dream-like state of relaxation. I am merely a facilitator to this process and will be guided by your specific hopes and objectives for therapy.


I am a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist certified through Arch Canada (Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists).


Set up a free consultation if you are interested in exploring how clinical hypnotherapy can help you.



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